This had happened to the Fayala family before, particularly in the previous five years. The deaths were caused by climate change, particularly an extraordinary spike in temperature, exacerbated by pollution from sewage stations.
التسرب النفطي المتكرر يتغلغل أيضا للشعاب المرجانية - حاضنة الأحياء البحرية- وسط ضعف هيئات حماية البيئة والبترول وعدم التزام شركات نفط بقوانين حماية البيئة والتنقيب البحري. يفاقم المشكلة تراشق بالاتهامات بين وزارة البيئة وهيئاتها الرقابية وبين الشركة العامة للبترول، المتهم الرئيس بتلويث البيئة هناك، بحسب ما يكشف هذا التحقيق.
But the fish died and the family's hopes were dashed. The Fayala family is not the only one in this situation. Sewage from villages on the coast of Lake Manzala affects around 1,300 fish farms in Al-Khayyat, Ras Al-Bar, Al-Burj and Damietta. Due to the Ministry of Environment's lax regulation, sewage infiltrates the fish farms, killing them and increasing indebtedness.
جهاز شؤون البيئة سجّل 25 واقعة تسرب بترولي بمدينة رأس غارب بين عامي 2015 و2019. في 22 منها، حمّل الجهاز الشركة العامة للبترول مسؤولية التلوث على امتداد الشاطئ، واتهمها بخرق قوانين صون البيئة البحرية. على أن الشركة خرجت بالبراءة في عدد من تلك القضايا، مستفيدة من "شيوع الاتهام"، وفق قرارات المحاكم. كذلك طول أمد التقاضي، الذي تضمحل خلاله ملامح التلوث فيصعب ربطه بالمتسبب.
بموازاة ذلك، أظهرت نتائج تحليل ثلاث عينات تطابق بصمة الزيت - المتسربة بين ديسمبر/ كانون الأول 2018 و فبراير/ شباط 2019- مع مخرجات حقول الشركة ذاتها وآبارها بنسبة تتعدّى 99 %. تتناقض نتائج تلك التحاليل - التي حصلت معدّة التحقيق على نسخة منه - مع دفوع الشركة في جميع القضايا المرفوعة ضدّها، على قاعدة أن "بصمة" الزيت موضع الشكاوى تتماهى مع تسربات من شركات أخرى.
على أن رئيس الشركة العامة نبيل عبد الصادق يرفض نتائج الفحوص ويتهم جهاز شؤون البيئة بالتخلي عن دوره في تدقيق البحث عن الآبار المسربة للنفط والافتقار إلى أدوات قياس حديثة لتحديد المتسبب الحقيقي.
236km from Cairo Governorate, Damietta Governorate is in northeast Egypt with a population of more than one and a half million people, according to the Egyptian Mobilisation and Statistics Authority.
The fish farms rented by the Fayala family and their neighbours follow the Diba Triangle, the northern part of the Lake Manzala borders. It is completely within Damietta Governorate; its western border is the 15km Damietta-Ezbet Al-Burj road, the base of the triangle, and its northern border is the old Damietta-Port Said coastal road on the Mediterranean coast.
According to the General Authority for Fish Resources Development, the third side of the Damietta-Shata-Port Said route up to Al-Diba is the southern tip of the triangle.
Only marine fish are cultivated in the Diba Triangle: seabass, waqar, hanchan, shrimp and mullet.
According to the General Authority for Fish Resources Development, the Diba Triangle area of Damietta suffers from pollution caused by untreated sewage from the inefficient Elkhayatta station, as well as household waste in the Tabbal and Al-Ratmah areas and parts of Ezbet Al-Burj, in addition to pollution caused by agricultural drainage laden with pesticides from the Sheikh Dergham area.
Salah Abu Gomaa, former head of the Damietta General Authority for Fish Resources Development, adds that there are other sources of pollution, such as industrial wastewater from the port of Damietta and from companies in the Damietta industrial zone. Pollution enters the al-Bat canal and then Al-Ratmah, then drainage mixed with marine water enters the irrigation process for fish farms.
This is verified by a complaint against the sewage plant submitted in December 2017 by a fish farm tenant in Ezbet Al-Burj, a copy of which was obtained by the investigator.
At the time, the head of Damietta's Environment and Water Bodies Police requested that a specialist be assigned to the Environmental Affairs Department to compile an inspection report on the station’s effluent. According to the report, all treatment phases in the Ezbet Al-Burj plant have been fully halted. This means wastewater enters the plant and proceeds from one phase to the next until it reaches the outflow (Lake Manzala), without ever having been treated.
This is a violation of the Environment Law and its Executive Regulations, which compel establishments with permission to discharge polluting materials to treat them first. The drainage shall be halted administratively, and the facility's licence revoked, if treatment is not completed within the aforementioned period (a month), or if it is proven from an analysis conducted during that period that the continuation of the drainage would cause serious damage to the aquatic environment.
The investigator obtained a copy of a report issued by the Preventive Medicine Laboratory in Damietta Governorate in 2018. It reveals that the analysis samples conducted by the governate’s Environmental Health Department team for the sewage and water treatment plant in Ezbet Al-Burj in Damietta do not comply with Egyptian environmental law and executive regulations. This is due to the high amount of biological oxygen absorbed and chemical oxygen consumed, with oils and greases, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide above the limits allowed by the Ministry of Environment to be discharged into water bodies.
It is not permitted to drain effluent into the marine environment unless it is at least 500m from the shoreline. It is also not permitted to drain into fishing regions, bathing areas or natural reserves, in order to preserve an area's economic or scenic value. Egypt's fourth environmental law, enacted in 1994, is known as the Egyptian Environmental Law No. 4.
Salah Abu Gomaa does not deny the Fisheries Authority's role in previous years in terms of purification and refining operations to remove pollution from the waterways – the Al-Ratmah, Al-Sobara and Al-Bat canals – but confirms that, despite all these efforts, pollution has still not stopped, as sewage stations have continued to dump untreated water into the water channels.
Human factors have combined with natural factors such as high temperatures to double the environmental impact. Abu Gomaa says that Damietta has cases of mass fish death every year. “The death process is colossal. Fish that farmers have laboured over for more than 20 months easily die.”
According to a recent study on the consequences of climate change on Lake Manzala, climate change may cause an increase in water temperature, which may cause changes in lake ecosystems and fish productivity. Furthermore, changes in the salinity of the lake’s water may have significant environmental consequences for the lake and fisheries, and the lake may become unsuitable for spawning many types of fish in the future.
According to a World Bank report, temperatures in Egypt rose by approximately 0.1° C a decade from 1901 to 2013. It predicts a 3% annual increase in average temperature in the upcoming years, which would have a severe impact on marine creatures. Fish may be particularly vulnerable to temperature variations caused by climate change, and therefore severe and growing mortality is projected when temperatures rise at an unprecedented rate.
وفقا للصياد الخمسيني، عباس زكريا، فإن أعداد الأسماك في منطقة القابوطي تراجعت بشكل كبير، بل أحيانا لا يكون هناك أسماك من الأساس.، ويضيف أنّ أن أنواع أسماك كثيرة اختفت من المنطقة مثل الحشمان والبوري والقاروص وسمك موسى والكابوريا.
According to Abu Gomaa, the cost of farming fish is divided into the costs of seed and fodder, petroleum materials used by the farmer in the machine used to raise water, farm labour, and finally rent, which has increased fourfold in recent years.
Abu Gomaa says: “After all of these costs, the farmer loses both his fish and his money owing to a lack of sewage treatment and extreme hot temperatures. If not, sewage pollution causes a decrease in the size of the fish”.
The fish Shata breeders raise have decreased in weight from 500g to 150-200g. The effects of pollution mean that two fish per kg has become four or five fish per kg, a big loss for the fish farmers.
In his early years on the farm, Ali Fayala and his father used to get four tons of fish an acre; now they get 50-80kg, at around three fish per kg.
Ali and younger brother Hassanin, along with four other brothers, inherited the 44-acre farm from their father. They know no other profession.
Hassanin recalls the farm's ample income: “I was six years old when my older brother started working on the farm. My father used to forbid me from going to learn it with him, but I used to memorise the route to the farm and go to help my father and brother because I enjoy watching the fish grow in front of my eyes every day.” Today, though, he is dissatisfied with the state of the farm. “I will never forgive myself for failing to preserve my father's legacy”.
Wastewater infects fish with viral, bacterial and fungal diseases and causes malignant tumours, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
رفع المحامي أحمد محمد عامر بدوره قضية أخرى ضدّ المصنع حملت رقم 333 لسنة 6 ق، وتعلّقت بخطورة المصنع على الصحة العامة للمواطنين، جاء حكم المحكمة في جلسة بتاريخ 21 نوفمبر 2018 بضرورة انتداب خبير بيئي للمعاينة ولمعرفة مدى مطابقة الصرف الصناعي من المصنع للحدود المسموح بها في قانون البيئة المصري.
حكم القضية PDF
According to Egyptian Mobilisation and Statistics Authority fish production statistics, Damietta fish farm production decreased to 256,667 tons in 2019, compared to 264,599 tons in 2018, even though the number of farms increased from 42,679 to 62,701, including both private and government farms.
Annual Bulletin of Fish Production Statistics - Egyptian Mobilization and Statistics Authority
Dr Mahmoud Khairy, a Professor of Fish Farming at Al-Azhar University, states that fish contamination has varying degrees of severity. It harms fish by killing them, slowing their growth or exposing them to numerous infections, and as a result farmers lose a lot of money and production.
As for the impact on humans, it exposes them to a variety of diseases. Some pollutants (heavy metals) do not die when fish are cooked, producing a variety of ailments in the human body. As a result, the World Health Organisation has specified limits for heavy metals found in fish, beyond which they are unsafe for human consumption.
The investigator tested fish, water and soil samples at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. These samples were collected in the area surrounding the sewage stations through which farms are irrigated, the water in which the fish live on the Al-Fayala farm, and samples of other farm soil and fish.
Findings reveal that the percentage of harmful heavy metals in water, soil and fish exceed the permissible limits for human consumption, according to WHO and EU guidelines.
Khaled Al-Maslihi, Professor of Marine Sciences and Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Suez Canal Branch, conducted the analysis and confirms that Damietta's sewage drains exceed environmental regulations. He recognises the risk of eating and trading these fish, since analysis proves they live in a poisonous environment. The heavy metals found in high concentrations in this water and these fish – iron, cadmium, nickel, phosphate, manganese – will afflict fish, their consumers and fish farm workers with a variety of ailments.
دمّرت مخلّفات المصانع المكان الذي يعتبره التميمي محور حياته. "البحيرة ماتت من التلوث. الدولة نفسها تعاني من أصحاب المصانع. تدفع مليارات سنوياً لاصلاح المخلفات ولكن تعود المصانع من جديد وترمي مخلفاتها".
Cadmium is found in high concentrations in fish livers, kidneys and tissues.
Cadmium builds up in the body over time.
The biological half-life can be as long as 38 years.
It is highly hazardous, and prolonged exposure causes cancer as well as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, neurological system, reproductive system and respiratory system.
It causes considerable bioaccumulation in certain fish tissues. It causes oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and immune system alterations.
Severe lead exposure can result in death. Because lead can breach the placental barrier, pregnant women exposed to it put their foetus at risk.
Copper chronic use harms the gills, kidneys, spleen and other organs and systems.
Chronic or long-term exposure to high levels of copper leads to diarrhea, headaches and renal dystopia.
It leads to severe toxic effects and causes fish deaths and reduced growth rate.
Lung fibrosis, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, nose cancer.
Cobalt toxicity causes blood oxidation and inhibition of inorganic calcium channels in fish gills.
Cobalt is harmful to the eyes, skin, heart and lungs. Exposure has been linked to cancer. The severity of the harm is determined by the dose, duration and amount of work performed.
Many diseases are caused by high iron levels, including hypotension, gastrointestinal bleeding, cancer and cell mutation.
It impairs gill functioning, resulting in a water-mineral imbalance.
If inhaled or ingested, it is toxic. Irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract are possible. Tremors, difficulties walking and facial muscle spasms are all possible side effects.
Dr Mohamed Mabrouk, another Professor of Fish Farming at Al-Azhar University, explains that some countries refuse to import fish from Egypt due to pollution and dangerous heavy metal concentrations in fish tissues and muscles, and have placed Egypt on a blacklist.
The Fishing and Marine Biology Law No. 124 of 1983 criminalises use of the Nile for fish farming, even if the fish are raised in freshwater.
“How can a country trust another if its law requires fish farm owners to use sewage water to irrigate their fish farms?" he wonders.
The Egyptian Veterinary Quarantine No. 667 of 2021 issued an administrative decision on November 27, 2021, prohibiting Egypt from exporting fish to EU countries until health certificates accompanying the exported fish are issued, in order to implement the required recommendations of the European Commission.
This decision was made after the EU issued observations regarding the inability of fish in Egypt to meet EU criteria. Even Plenipotentiary Minister Nasser Hamed, Director of the Commercial Representation Authority’s EU Department, admits these comments could lead to the issuance of a ruling prohibiting the import of fish from Egypt.
To see a picture of the resolution
According to Maged Al-Badrawi, Head of the Fish Division at the Chambers of Commerce in Damietta Governorate, the grounds for stopping exports to Europe could be due to contamination of fish caused by drainage, as European countries strictly adhere to limits. “Only a few species, such as seabream, seabass and toubar, which are cultivated in the Shata region, are sold to European countries.
The Arab countries import the lowest-quality species from Egypt, such as tilapia and mullet.”
Al Fayala’s issues do not appear close to being resolved.The rent on their fish farm has increased five-fold. The Prime Minister decided in 2018 to terminate the leases of 1,300 fish farms in the area, affecting more than 300,000 people.
Fish farm owners had little choice but to finish the work on their farms, as it was their only source of income, but they barely got through the first shock before being shocked by an increase in the rent per acre from 500 pounds to 3,000 pounds. Farmers in the Diba Triangle now owe the General Authority for Fish Resources Development more than 130 million pounds.
Hassanin Fayala says: “We have a three-year debt to the fisheries, which is equivalent to 132,000 pounds every year. I'm not sure how we'll be able to pay this amount, and our fish are dying on a daily basis as a result of pollution”.
Salah Abu Gomaa criticises the decision to raise the rent as unreasonable and unfair to fish farmers in Damietta, claiming that “the matter was imposed by force and without any investigation”.
Khaled Ashour, the lawyer for the affected farm owners, agrees, stating that more than 95% of Damietta farm owners owe the General Authority large sums that they are unable to pay. He argues that due to pollution, as well as other issues such as high diesel and power prices, the rent does not correspond to income and material return.
The lawyer further says that these farms were constructed under Law No.124 of 1983, which gives citizens the right to build fish farms on the shores of Lake Manzala in exchange for a usufruct rent. “These lands were dry and not suitable for free fishing, so the owners of the farms reconstructed them tens of years ago.” He adds that while it is normal to raise rent, to do so fivefold at once is wrong “because these people are basically suffering more”.
Many tenants have decided to cease working and give up their farms. The General Authority, however, insists that they pay their debt before handing over the farms, or face imprisonment.
One of these tenants is Mohamed Naim. He gave up his father's fish farm in the Sahel region of Shata in August last year, after settling debts that totalled 250,000 pounds (about $15,000). To do so, his mother and sister sold their ‘gold’ to ensure that no one in the family would be imprisoned. The water there has a high salinity of 70 parts per thousand, unsuitable for fish farming, and Naim was unable to complete his father's project after the rent per acre rose fourfold.
Naim documented the family’s evacuation of the farm by filming and taking photos, fearful that the authorities would later seek payment for other debts he owed.
evacuation document
Diaa El-Din Daoud, a Parliamentary Representative, calls the increase in rent ludicrous, based as it is on location, closeness to the Mediterranean and pollution.
He sees it as both illogical and unfair. For example, Mohammed Naim’s polluted farm had its rent increased from 300 pounds to 2,500 pounds, a decision that made the poor poorer and the rich richer.
Maged Al-Badrawi, Head of the Fish Division at the Chambers of Commerce in Damietta Governorate, told the investigator that the fish farms in Shata are the cleanest in the country because pollution is limited to three or four sewage stations, fewer than in other governorates.
He rejects pollution as a cause of fish death, saying instead that the cause is farmers’ ignorance – he claims that they lack the needed experience, citing the example of a greedy fish breeder growing 5 tons of fish in a basin that can only hold 1 ton, leading to the fish dying.
His response will not satisfy Hassanin Fayala's hunger or save his fish from a dreadful end. While he mulls over how he can sleep while he owes more than half a million pounds to the General Authority, his brother Ali stands in the centre of their fish farm, doling out fish medicine in an attempt to rescue them.
All his attempts fail, particularly on a sweltering summer day which is too much for fish that are already suffocating. Their bodies float up to the surface one by one.
This is just another tragic day in the life of the tenants of fish farms in Shata, Damietta